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Hormonal Imbalance And Natural Ways To Fix Your Hormones

Updated: Aug 2

Feeling unexplained fatigue, weight gain, or mood swings? It could be a hormonal imbalance! This article explores possible causes and natural solutions, such as diet, exercise, and herbs, to regain hormonal harmony. This article is focused more on women's health.

This is a relevant and quite broad topic. Hormonal imbalances are quite common these days. This is mainly due to poor lifestyle choices, obesity, and exposure to environmental toxins like heavy metals, plastics, and other chemicals. Many chemicals in the products we use on our bodies and households are proven hormone disruptors. It is also important to note that many animal products we buy from stores today may be injected with growth hormones, which can be a substantial contributing factor to this hormonal imbalance issue we are facing today. Additionally, some of the produce we buy is heavily sprayed with pesticides and other toxic substances known as hormone disruptors.

Hormonal birth control pills are known to play a huge role, as they contain synthetic estrogen and progestin that can disrupt the body's natural hormone harmony and balance. About two-thirds of adults are living with hormonal imbalances.

But what exactly is the hormonal imbalance?

Here, we are not focusing on any single hormone. Instead, we are talking about mild hormonal imbalances that often remain undiagnosed and may silently cause specific signs and symptoms. These could be changes in sex hormones (testosterone and estrogens), thyroid hormones (thus, changes in metabolic rate), adrenal (causing adrenal fatigue), and more.

However, minor hormonal imbalances remain undiagnosed, and they cause significant health damage.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances cause many symptoms. However, many of these symptoms are vague, and thus, the problem remains undiagnosed. Below are some of the following signs and symptoms that may indicate hormonal imbalance:

·       Fatigue

·       Poorly explained chronic body aches and headaches

·       Frequent infections and low immunity

·       Weight gain despite dietary measures or sudden and unexplainable weight loss

·       Brain fog

·       Anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, nervousness, and irritability

·       Depression

·       Insomnia

·       High blood pressure

·       Palpitation

·       Excess body hair, hair loss, dry, brittle, or thinning hair

·       Night sweats

·       Bloating

·       Lost libido or decreased sex drive

·       Irregular periods

·       Painful periods

·       Infertility

·       Vaginal dryness

Although some may experience one or more of these symptoms, it is important to remember that they are nonspecific. Hence, experiencing any of these may not be an indication that you are hormonally imbalanced.

Hormonal imbalances generally increase the risk of chronic health issues like diabetes, PCOS, fibroids, breast cancer, prostate cancer in men, and mental health issues. A study by Mufudza et al. (2012) notes that excess estrogen is a risk factor for developing breast cancer. Moreover, estrogen dominance is often linked to the growth of fibroids, but we will go deeper into this topic in another blog post.

Here is how to fix hormonal imbalances naturally.

Natural Ways to Fix Your Hormones

Remember that there is nothing like a one-size-fits-all. Hence, different individuals need to use multiple natural measures to correct hormonal imbalances. Furthermore, natural remedies for hormones help when used consistently, as they are not a quick fix; instead, they try to overcome the root cause of hormonal issues.

Adopting A Holistic Approach

First and foremost, eliminating all sorts of hormone disruptors as best as possible is crucial. Begin by learning to read the labels of items you purchase for use. EWG Healthy Living is an app I highly recommend for beginners! Download it and be in the know! It's FREE! I like that it lists top-notch, good-quality natural products to purchase, and many do not break the bank.

A holistic approach involves:

  • Selecting organically grown produce with less pesticide and chemically sprayed exposure instead of the alternatives

  • Switching to naturally made products that do not contain hormone disruptors (skin, hair, and household products)

  • Replacing plastics with glass or BPA-free plastics for food storage

  • Avoid spraying and using toxic products directly on your body

Dietary Measures

Next, start with dietary measures. Focus on eliminating food intolerances. Increase your intake of fruits and veggies, particularly berries (Dhalaria et al., 2020). These foods are rich in antioxidants and phytocompounds.

Studies show that the Western diet is particularly deficient in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber helps in multiple ways, like boosting metabolic health, regularizing appetite, lowering bad cholesterol, improving gut microbiota, and thus positively influencing the gut-brain axis (Clemente-Suárez et al., 2023). It is fundamental to note that having a healthy gut microbiome plays a massive role in excreting excess estrogen, and consuming fiber-rich foods helps to feed the good gut bacteria, which promotes a healthy gut microbiome.

Fats can be good for hormonal health—however, be mindful of the kinds of fats you choose, as all fats are not equal! Avocados and extra virgin olive oil (cold-pressed and organic) are good sources of fats and omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids may also be beneficial, especially for men (Roszkos et al., 2023).

While increasing your intake of good foods, reducing your intake of sugars, processed foods, and white carbs is crucial, as well as replacing them with whole foods and protein-rich foods like legumes, seeds, etc.

Exercise and Stress Management

Once you have made dietary changes, it is essential to incorporate exercises into your weekly routine. Resistance training by lifting weights or using body weight helps correct sex hormones. However, mindful movements like yoga, stretching, and tai chi are good for reducing cortisol, a stress hormone, and also boost mental health. Aerobic exercise is also good for stress reduction, normalizing hormones, and boosting cardiorespiratory health (Gawel et al., 1979).

An ideal exercise program must be a balance of different kinds of exercises!

Additionally, remember to rest, as overtraining is known to disrupt hormones. Thus, hormone imbalances are common among marathon runners or those in certain endurance sports like cycling (Karkoulias et al., 2008).

Natural Remedies

Perhaps the most reliable way to manage hormonal imbalance is by using a class of herbs called adaptogens (ashwagandha, maca root) and emmenagogues (black cohosh, chaste tree berry, Red raspberry). Emmenagogues are herbs that have an affinity for the female reproductive system and help to tone and restore harmony. Some are known to stimulate and regulate menstrual flow and function, as well as to balance female hormones. Although there is a long list of these herbs, here are a few top recommendations: Ashwagandha, maca root, Rhodiola rosea, and black cohosh.

What adaptogens do is that they help reduce stress, and they also have potent antioxidant activity. They also have some direct impact on various hormone levels.



Possible impact

Ashwagandha (Wiciński et al., 2023)

- Reduces cortisol levels (stress hormone)

- Improved stress response

-Do not use if pregnant

- Enhanced mood and mental clarity

-Better thyroid function

- Balances adrenal hormones

-Enhanced mood and mental clarity

Maca Root

(Bower-Cargill et al., 2022)

- Supports the endocrine system

- Improved fertility and libido

-Helps balance estrogen and progesterone

- Helps balance estrogen and progesterone

- Enhances libido and sexual function

-Increased energy levels

Rhodiola Rosea

(Gerbarg & Brown, 2016)

- Reduces cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones)

- Reduced fatigue and improved energy levels

-Supports adrenal gland function

- Enhanced mood and cognitive function

- Balances neurotransmitters and other hormones involved in stress response

-Mental clarity and improved brain health

Black Cohosh

(Szmyd et al., 2018)

- Mimics estrogen effects in the body

- Alleviation of menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats)

Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding as it may have uterine stimulant effects

- Supports estrogen balance, particularly during menopause

-Improved mood and sleep quality

- May help regulate menstrual cycles

-Improved mood and fertility

What To Remember

Hormonal issues are among the underrecognized causes of various chronic health issues. Fortunately, most hormonal issues can be managed without medications and through lifestyle changes. Many herbal remedies are effective at balancing hormones. However, when using natural remedies, keep in mind that some remedies are better for boosting the production of progesterone and estrogens, while some are great for testosterone.

If you are struggling with hormonal imbalance symptoms, it is beneficial to test your hormones to determine what the exact problem is. If you would like to get to the root of your hormonal imbalance, you can get tested with us. Book a Holistic Wellness Consultation here:


  • Bower-Cargill, C., Yarandi, N., & Petróczi, A. (2022). A systematic review of the versatile effects of the Peruvian Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii ) on sexual dysfunction, menopausal symptoms, and related conditions. Phytomedicine Plus, 2(4), 100326.

  • Clemente-Suárez, V. J., Beltrán-Velasco, A. I., Redondo-Flórez, L., Martín-Rodríguez, A., & Tornero-Aguilera, J. F. (2023). Global Impacts of Western Diet and Its Effects on Metabolism and Health: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 15(12), 2749.

  • Dhalaria, R., Verma, R., Kumar, D., Puri, S., Tapwal, A., Kumar, V., Nepovimova, E., & Kuca, K. (2020). Bioactive Compounds of Edible Fruits with Their Anti-Aging Properties: A Comprehensive Review to Prolong Human Life. Antioxidants, 9(11), 1123.

  • Gawel, M. J., Park, D. M., Alaghband-Zadeh, J., & Rose, F. C. (1979). Exercise and hormonal secretion. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 55(644), 373–376.

  • Gerbarg, P. L., & Brown, R. P. (2016). Pause menopause with Rhodiola rosea, a natural selective estrogen receptor modulator. Phytomedicine: International Journal of Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology, 23(7), 763–769.

  • Karkoulias, K., Habeos, I., Charokopos, N., Tsiamita, M., Mazarakis, A., Pouli, A., & Spiropoulos, K. (2008). Hormonal responses to marathon running in non-elite athletes. European Journal of Internal Medicine, 19(8), 598–601.

  • Mufudza, C., Sorofa, W., & Chiyaka, E. T. (2012). Assessing the effects of estrogen on the dynamics of breast cancer. Computational and mathematical methods in medicine2012, 473572.

  • Roszkos, R., Tóth, T., Bazar, G., Fébel, H., & Mézes, M. (2023). Effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on oxidative stress parameters and sex hormone levels of modern genotype sows. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 9(1), 191–202.

  • Szmyd, M., Lloyd, V., Hallman, K., Aleck, K., Mladenovik, V., McKee, C., Morse, M., Bedgood, T., & Dinda, S. (2018). The effects of black cohosh on the regulation of estrogen receptor (ERα) and progesterone receptor (PR) in breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer : Targets and Therapy, 10, 1–11.

  • Wiciński, M., Fajkiel-Madajczyk, A., Kurant, Z., Kurant, D., Gryczka, K., Falkowski, M., Wiśniewska, M., Słupski, M., Ohla, J., & Zabrzyński, J. (2023). Can Ashwagandha Benefit the Endocrine System?—A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(22), 16513.




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